Sunday 8 January 2017

Similarities and Differences in Film Openings

Film Name/Opening Sequence watched
·         It includes all of the titles, film cast and crew in the  titles.
·         Immediately displays the main character.
·         Genre is displayed quite early in the opening. The audience can recognise that it has multiple
·         Uses a comedic tune instead of an action film to build the tension. Has original titles to reinforce the comedy sense.
·         Slow Motion and still.
·         No use of dialogue.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
·         Main character is immediately showed.
·         Main character’s abilities have been demonstrated very early.
·         Plot is not given away in anyway.
·         A lot of action was filmed in the first 2 minutes.
·         A side of comedy was mixed in with the action.
·         Has a narrative for the first 20 seconds.
X-Men Wolverine
·         Main Character is immediately displayed.
·         No hints are given away for the plot of the film to come.
·         Sets the mood of the film.
·         Does not set the scene for the rest of the film.
·         Very few characters are seen in the first 2 minutes.
·         Starts with a dream separating this film making it look unique.

This picture is taken off of the opening scene of Deadpool displaying the titles saying 'A Moody Teen'. This gives a positive connotation, that the titles aren't really taken seriously immediately informing the audience that the film is most likely going to be comedy. This separates itself from any other film as the titles 'A Hot Chick' appeared prior to this one.
This image is showing the action displayed in 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2' immediately capturing the audiences attention making them want to carry on watching the film. This also is targeted to a range of ages from 12+, where a lot of children this age love the exhilarating movement in films. Captures the audience from the start as it begins with something interesting that the target audience is appealed to.
This can help us when creating our film because it gives us different varieties of film openings and how they are original to themselves, this can then support us when making ours, in a unique way that no one else has done before. The similarities between film openings, if of course having credits and what order to put them in, From that, we can then create a specific structure to how we make our credits also using the jelly baby task to help us as a rough plan.

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