Tuesday 10 January 2017

In depth analysis of X-Men opening title sequence

Genre is immediately shown in the opening sequence, you hear loud noises and a gun shots portraying the crime and action that has taken place. The genre of the film has a lot of mixed ones, like action, romance and comedy being action the main one. A young boy is then shown stabbing an adult with claws coming out of his body, this is significant because it shows a small fight scene between the two giving off that genre action effect. They then go onto the two kids have grown up through all the world wars and civil wars, This immediately displays the genre because a typical view of war is action and a lot of things are happening.

The narrative in the film is very limited, as more action is being shown in the beginning, but the dialogue that is implemented is very harsh, in a manner that the younger boy is shown as vulnerable and spoken over by his older brother. The narrative really brings out the characters features from the start, the older brother is portrayed as quite brutal, as he claims to his brother that 'he is always sick' asking the audience that question that was that really needed? The dialogue from the younger brother shows he is intelligent and listens to his parents, until his parents are killed in front of him and displays of juxtaposition of a young boy turning into a man when they leave the house and run away to set up the rest of their lives.

The characters in the opening sequence are showed on screen immediately, and their characteristics fluctuate throughout the start of the film. This is because the chain of events that occur, has changed them as humans inside to what they were in comparison to what they are now. For example, the young buy is shown as vulnerable, then when he kills his father, he is then shown as independent as vicious as he is taken the action to murder. The older boy is shown as the alpha male of the family, as he the structure of his body is portrayed as almighty and intelligent.

The atmosphere in the beginning changes vastly from very sweet and homey to a brutal nature of life. It starts out in the beginning of the young boy in bed feeling ill with his 'father' to him killing his real father and them setting off in the woods. The first 2 minutes shows them growing up very fast so they can fit the rest of the film in and just give a brief backstory of how they got to the present day. But it shows them being in the world war fighting with guns and killing people. The atmosphere is completely opposite from one half to the other of the opening sequence. This is good as it gives the audience a mix of action and emotion from loving to brutal life.

The most common theme in the film opening is murder and fighting, this is so it grabs the audience attention immediately from the film instead of them having a dull opening scene and not really interacting with the rest of the film. These themes are deliberately shown to fit the genre and target audience of action, which is perfectly portrayed in the start of the film so that it puts across that message of it being quite a brutal film.

The opening sequence is set in Canada and America at many different points in time because of the two characters ability to be able to heal preventing them from ageing. The start is set around 1800 when they are in the mansion but as they go on in time it goes from 1800 to 1900 and mid 20th century. This because they included the American civil war, and world war 1. They then come to that films present which is set in 1959.

The sound is very deep in the film opening to set the scene and characters, most of which is tense music to set the audience off and attract their attention. Throughout the end of the clip, music is loud and clear when they are fighting in the wars to present the brutal life that occurs when war happens. The sound really represents the genre of action as they both go hand in hand when it comes to matching the two together.

The titles used are really just the main characters actors names including the directors, editors and producers etc. The font used in it is quite basic, as they didn't want to put bold text out because the audience really needed to be focusing on the story line instead to understand the plot rather than having big words in their face.

We can use this when creating our film opening as their titles and the way they present their action genre can be implemented in ours to make ours flow as good as X-men's.

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