Saturday 21 January 2017

Our chosen genre and research

For this task I will be talking about our chosen genre and why we have decided this. We have chosen to do action because most of our ideas fit in with this genre and it is one of the most popular genres that we can create an intriguing realistic situation from. We want to accept the challenge of making a good action film opening without having explosions, car chases, etc so instead we are also going to add an aspect of comedy. We are hoping this will widen our audience because comedy is a more popular genre than action. A film that influenced our ideas for this is Deadpool as its an action film but its also a comedy and we think these genres work well together and with our ideas.

This will help us when creating our film opening as we know our genre, we know what we want, and we can base it off of Deadpool as mentioned above. We can use ideas from other action films and implement it into ours.

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