Thursday 19 January 2017

Differences between mainstream and independent films

Mainstream films are widely released in cinemas and can be the Hollywood blockbuster movies. Typical mainstream films are released in the cinema for a short time and then released for home use and sod in popular stores.
The difference between them both is mainly the distribution, as mainstream are usually released internationally in different cinemas but independent are sometimes just directly to DVD or just one cinema.

The film openings are basically the same because mainstream films will have a big budget therefore better equipment and more expensive locations. For example, in spectre, they filmed their opening Mexico City during the day of the dead period. This would have cost a lot of money considering they would have had to hire thousands of actors to play a part in the scene. They also used a helicopter fight scene, which also would have been expensive. For one actually hiring a helicopter and two flying it around Mexico City in a maniac manner.
On the other hand, an independent film like American Honey had a very small budget and didn't include much in their opening scene. This is because independent films are feature films that are produced outside of the major film studio system, in addition to being produced and distributed by independent entertainment agencies.
Independent films have specific genres because they have such a small budget, therefore they won't be able to afford two major genres, this would also run into the a small plain story, they wouldn't make such a massive storyline including everyone and everything, therefore making it simple. 
Actors are usually not famous, due to the fact they have a small budget, addition to this, this would go hand in hand with the technology used, again they have a small budget. 

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