Sunday 29 January 2017

Research on institutional logos


The connotations of the cloud and sky in the DreamWorks Logo shows aspiration and achievement, and this could suggest that this company are the best at what they do and sky isn't the limit.


The logo for Paramount Pictures consists of 22 stars flying through the air and creating an archway around a mountain. These stars could represent aspirations and wishes while the mountain could reach for the sky and it isn't the limit.

These 2 mainstream companies both have their original logos that could have many different meanings to them, they use these to stand out and make it monumental to their company.

Insomnia Entertainment

This companies logo is very basic and sticks with a certain trend of using the colour blue in their logo, it has a window in it connoting that their can be unlimited possibilities with the kind of films they create and original in that sort.


This independent company logo has a picture of birds flying through a window, this could also link to the connotations in paramount that the sky isn't the limit and their company reaches above and beyond the best of the films. The logo is very plain which is expected for an independent company and doesn't animate, as they probably have a lower budget as a mainstream would have.

This will help us when creating our logo as we can compare both logos from different companies and see what we prefer, and see what would also link with our target audience and film genre.

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